Solar Power For All

The Philippines is made up of 7,600 islands and boasts a tropical climate year-round. In 2015 the Global Climate Index listed the Philippines as the most affected country by climate change. Many of the islands making up the Philippines are still quite rural in terms of development for civilization. In fact 16 million Filipinos lack reliable energy access and thus live by candlelight and kerosene. 

What is the best way to go about providing electricity and reliable energy for all of those living in the Philippines?

After all, there is no real profit to be found in selling electricity to the poor who can already barely afford to live and feed their families. That is where solar power comes in. RES or Renewable Energy Services is a solar power company based in Hawaii. Another tropical climate ideal for solar power and also a destination many from the Philippines look to move to, to find better opportunities and quality of life. RES founders began to hear of the struggles the Philippines is facing and has continued to face in terms of reliable electricity and integrating solar power into the country.

In fact, many non-government organizations have tried and failed on numerous attempts to implement any kind of solar power infrastructure. The Philippines government has even gone as far as to set a goal for the entirety of the country to provide electricity to the whole country by the year 2020. Because their goal was not to be achieved by this year the end date has now been moved to 2022.  Already the country has spent over 100 million dollars on electrification projects and has 10,000 plus solar panels that have been distributed yet 15% of the population still lives with no real electricity.

The key problem appears to be that there is an extreme difficulty maintaining any kind of organized and efficient solar power system. This has caused many Filipinos to distrust the solar power industry and continue to live by candlelight and kerosene forgoing any hope in attaining reliable energy.  This is where RES comes in, they have collectively begun efforts alongside a few other Hawaii based businesses to help the Philippine government establish and provide a well oiled and efficiently ran solar power energy system. With trips planned and education in place, these small Hawaii businesses look to help the Philippines implement their solar equipment, create a well run & knowledgable solar power system, and provide efficient reliable energy to all 16 million residents. Should you wish to donate or aid in their efforts in any way please feel free to email us here at  FANHS LA .